Women Spend Hours Searching for Four Kittens Who Lost Their Mom

Women Spend Hours Searching for Four Kittens Who Lost Their Mom


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Four little lives were saved by a simple act of kindness.

Two good Samaritans spent hours searching for four tiny kittens who lost their cat mother.

Courtesy: Kitten Inn

A month ago, a cat was found lying lifelessly in the road. "Two ladies came to her aid and rushed her down to the local vet, unfortunately she had passed away. What they found out next was an ever bigger shock, the vet told them she was lactating," Kitten Inn shares with Love Meow.

The cat had kittens and they were out there somewhere, so the kind-hearted ladies spent sometime knocking from door to door, going through every nook and cranny to find the kittens.

"They refused to give up and then they saw a basement open, disregarding the spider webs, they poked their heads in and heard a wee cry."

The four 3-week-old tiny furballs were found among a pile of plastic.

Courtesy: Kitten Inn

The kittens were far too little to be able to survive by themselves, they wouldn't have made it due to the cold.

"Thanks to Angie and Rachael four little kittens got a second chance at life."

They were brought to Kitten Inn, a rescue group in New Zealand, and they quickly found the kittens a loving foster home.

"Little kittens are doing great, one of our other momma cats has taken them under her wing," Kitten Inn told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Kitten Inn

The kittens now have two loving mamas.

"Sam, who is their foster momma dotes on them as much as their new momma does."

Courtesy: Kitten Inn

The tiny kittens have learned to eat solid food on their own.

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Related story: Man Saves Crying Orphaned Kitten who Feels Loved After Just a Few Pets

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