Yogi the Kitty Gets Unconditional Love

Yogi the Kitty Gets Unconditional Love


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When Yogi came to  his new family, he immediately became everyone's baby and was given so many kisses and cuddles. No one could resist his adorable little face and silly little antics. Yogi did not need to do much and everyone was fully entertained.

When Dakota, a shepherd dog, met Yogi for the first time, she "immediately decided it was her 'puppy'. They kind of adopted each other."

Yogi is playful and when he plays, he puts on a "serious" face. He likes to try to look "scary" while attacking his mommy.

Yogi's mommy thinks that she loves Yogi the most, even though everyone thinks so in the family. Mommy loves to rock Yogi to sleep in her arms. It makes her feel all fuzzy and tingly inside.

Photos courtesy of Katren Shaw.

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