Young Boy Bursts into Tears When He Finds His Missing Cat, His Best Friend

Young Boy Bursts into Tears When He Finds His Missing Cat, His Best Friend


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When this young boy, Thomas, was reunited with his beloved cat, he burst into tears as he held his best friend in his arms after he went missing for three months.

Photo: Billie-Louise Jaeger

Dave the cat has always been Thomas' cat. They share an inseparable bond.

Thomas, a child with autism, was devastated when he learned that his cat had gone missing. The family tried everything they could to find the cat. After a while of searching, they thought they had lost him.

"My brother didn't really understand why Dave wasn't home because he knows Dave loved him unconditionally," Billie-Louise said. "He hasn't been the same since Dave went missing."

On September 1, the family found Dave and brought him home. "As soon as he comes back you can see how much he treasures the cat."

Photo: Billie-Louise Jaeger

Thomas was in tears of happiness when he saw his old friend Dave, who means the world to him. "I'm so happy Thomas got his baby home."

Watch the heart warming reunion in this video:

It turns out that Dave had been wandering around their neighborhood until someone spotted him.

"We are all so happy he's home," Billie-Louise wrote.

Photo: Billie-Louise Jaeger

Thomas is hovering around his best friend, cherishing every second they spend together.

Dave means so much to Thomas. To him, his kitty understands him and loves him no matter what.

Photo: Billie-Louise Jaeger

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Related story: 16-year-old Cat Reunites with His Twin Brother After Being Lost for 3 Years!

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