Friendship Between Feral Cat & Elderly Woman

Friendship Between Feral Cat & Elderly Woman


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An elderly lady from Wuhan, China walks with a cane everyday to a school to feed a feral cat that she befriended one day. Despite her age and health, she's never missed a single day of visit to her favorite feline friend. The love the kitty has for her human friend is reciprocal. The little tabby waits at the same spot anticipating for her provider everyday. Though the elderly woman can't move around very easily and her hair has turned grey, seeing the kitty well and fed is worth so much more to her. (

The kitty has become a friend who brings love and comfort to the elderly lady. They share a very special bond.

They don't speak the same language, but they seem to understand each other. They meet at the same time in the same location and do the same things together everyday. It's so simple yet means so much to both.

She gives the feral cat clean water and food

They keep each other company

Nom nom nom..

Being camera shy

Photos and story by Mumu. via

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