10 Minutes After 8 Year Old Cat Arrived In Forever Home...

10 Minutes After 8 Year Old Cat Arrived In Forever Home...


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This is what happened just 10 minutes after 8 year old cat Alchemy arrived in his forever home.

"Alchemy (we kept his original name) is FIV-positive, so he'd been at the shelter for a bit over two years. Since he understood this was his forever home, he is always in the same room as the husband and me," Alchemy's human mom wrote via imgur.

"Honestly adopting an adult cat was the best choice. As for my experience, I got our cat in a special shelter for animals with either behavior or health problems (SPCA Montreal Annexe). When I got there, we asked for to see the cats that desperately needed a home. The volunteers were so happy, because people usually want the fun cats or kittens... but our kitty was love at first sight. This is why I always prefer adopting instead of buying - you contribute to a healthier way to acquire a life-long companion, not just another furniture. And when they're adult pets, you can definitely feel the gratitude they demonstrate from finding their forever home," she added. (reddit)

This happened just minutes after 8 year old cat Alchemy arrived in his forever home.

Photos via imgur.

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