Body Cast Saves This Kitty's Life and Helps Him Get Stronger

Body Cast Saves This Kitty's Life and Helps Him Get Stronger


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A tiny ginger kitten was found lying on the road, injured and unable to move. They put him in a body cast, and it saved his life.

Meet Davey the miracle kitty.

Photo: Caring Fields Felines

When the kitten came to Caring Fields Felines, a rescue group in Palm City, Florida, they rushed him to the animal hospital for emergency care.

The staff at Savanna Animal Hospital gave him an X-ray, and saw a fracture cervical vertebrae. They placed him into a body cast immediately. Everyone was fighting hard to save the little kitten's life.

Not only did the cast bring him back to life, but the ginger boy began to thrive.

Photo: Caring Fields Felines

A few weeks later, Davey is happy and doing so much better. He is loving his new life.

The kitty is almost 3 months old and is as sweet as he can be. "He is being closely monitored by our vet. He is currently in foster now with one of the vet techs," Caring Fields Felines said.

Photo: Caring Fields Felines

They make sure little Davey is always surrounded by people and lots of love. Because he is healing so well, the staff hope they can remove the body cast in about 3-4 weeks.

Everyone is rooting for this little fighter to get back on his paws. Nothing can stop him.

Photo: Caring Fields Felines

"Here is Davey with his foster brother Oakley, a 3 year old lab mix. Oakley adores his foster Davey and rushes to Davey's side every time he cries."

Photo: Caring Fields Felines

Davey works hard to recover. This is how well he is doing with his exercises.

Photo: Caring Fields Felines

What a trooper!

Photo: Caring Fields Felines

Once Davey's fully recovered, they hope to find him a loving home that he so deserves.

"He just finished his lunch and is ready for his catnap! He is so thankful for all the love."

Photo: Caring Fields Felines

What a second chance can do. Share this story with your friends. If you would like to help for Davey's care, you can click here to see how you can help. Follow Davey's updates on Facebook.

(h/t: thedodo)

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