Bran Nelson Threepaw The Cat With 3 Legs

Bran Nelson Threepaw The Cat With 3 Legs


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Bran Nelson Threepaw has only 3 legs, but it doesn't stop him from loving life. As soon as he gets on the floor, he starts running.

"He was found in the street at four weeks old, dragging his limp front leg behind him. They tried to massage his leg to see if it would get feeling back, but it was only causing him frustration, so they decided to amputate it from the shoulder," said Chelsie Barnes.

"After his surgery, Bran was up and running! The adoption coordinator, Rachel G., said 'I had to stop playing with him! He would just play so hard I worried about his stitches!'"

When Chelsie and Joshua met Bran, it was love at first sight, and the next thing they knew Bran was on his way to his forever home. "He spends his days climbing, jumping, romping, and tackling his brother Tallurah. Even though he only has three legs, he doesn't even notice that it's gone. In fact, I'm sure he believes that every other cat is odd because they have an extra leg!"

Bran Nelson Threepaw has only 3 legs, but as soon as he is on the floor, he goes running.

"He was found in the street at four weeks old, dragging his limp front leg behind him." In order to save his life, the vet decided to remove his injured leg.

After his surgery, Bran was up and running!

He wouldn't stop playing and didn't even notice that he was missing one leg.

He can jump, run and play just like any other cats.

He has developed amazing balance skills.

When he plays, he is very focused!

Bran has also found a new brother named Tallurah. They are inseparable!

"Even though he only has three legs, he doesn't even notice that it's gone."

A lot bigger today, Bran runs the house like a boss and is happy, healthy and very loved.

"In fact, I'm sure he believes that every other cat is odd because they have an extra leg!"

Photos courtesy of Chelsie Barnes. Follow Bran Nelson Threepaw on Facebook.

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