Cat Decides to Be Doorman for Shelter After No One Claimed Him, Now Five Years Later...

Cat Decides to Be Doorman for Shelter After No One Claimed Him, Now Five Years Later...


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A tabby cat came to a rescue center in 2012 and decided that he would be guarding and protecting the place after no one claimed him.

Meet Norman the cat!

Norman cuddles with Beth Hixson after he was rescued and taken into RSPCA CanterburySupplied by RSPCA Canterbury

In October 2012, a rescue cat came into the new RSPCA Canterbury center needing emergency treatment for his injuries. He was the first rescue that ever came through the door. Staff weren't sure if the tabby would survive that night, but he did.

"He'd been found collapsed in a garden shed, in Whitstable, just a few hours earlier by a member of the public who called the RSPCA. Our officer rushed him to a vet and, after emergency treatment, he was the first animal we welcomed to RSPCA Canterbury - and he's been under our care ever since," Beth Hixson, manager of RSPCA Canterbury shared with Love Meow in a press release.

Norman had injuries in his legs after, possibly, being hit by a car. He was brought back from the brink in the nick of time.

Supplied by RSPCA Canterbury

"We think he'd dragged himself away from the road to find somewhere quiet to lick his wounds. And, thankfully, he was later found huddled in the shed, in Norman Road (hence the name), and brought into us."

It took months to treat and rehabilitate Norman back to health. The sweet tabby boy was always in good spirits and craved attention from his caregivers. He thrived at the center and was able to make a full recovery. As soon as he set his feet on the ground, he started patrolling the shelter and greet visitors at the doors.He quickly assigned himself the role of the doorman and has brought countless smiles to people that come through the doors ever since.

Norman enjoying a raffle at a branch eventSupplied by RSPCA Canterbury

Norman has said goodbye to nearly 1,500 rescued animals that have gone to good homes, but nobody has come to claim him. The sweet tabby loves every staff member at the rescue like his own family and it is clear that he has made the place his own.

"He really did make himself at home here so, we decided to make him our resident cat. We couldn't bear to part with him after everything he'd been through," Beth said.

Supplied by RSPCA Canterbury

The charming and affectionate feline loves people and attends events at the center where he always takes centerstage.

"He is our meeter and greeter waiting on the sofa in reception for visitors and adopters to arrive so he can say 'hello' - that's how he got his nickname 'Norman the doorman'!"

Supplied by RSPCA Canterbury

The tabby boy runs the center like he owns it. He is a people cat and has a big heart for animals in need. Norman has bonded with two other resident cats, Betsy and Belinda, who came to the rescue as feral kittens.

Norman is all tucked in after a long day of meeting and greeting people.

Supplied by RSPCA Canterbury

"They certainly live the life of Riley here which is a far cry, or should I say purr, from the lives they led before they were rescued by the RSPCA," Beth added.

Norman continues to warm people's hearts with his charm when they come through the doors at RSPCA Canterbury. He was the first kitty welcomed into the center which gave him all the TLC and care he needed, and he has been guarding and protecting it ever since.

Supplied by RSPCA Canterbury

Share this story with your friend. The RSPCA rescues thousands of cats every year. If you're interested in adopting one of their cats, please visit Follow RSPCA Canterbury on Facebook.

Related story: Stray Cat Wanders into Nursing Home and Decides to Work There

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