Cat Has Seen 92 Other Kitties Get Adopted But Yet No One Has Offered Her a Home...

Cat Has Seen 92 Other Kitties Get Adopted But Yet No One Has Offered Her a Home...


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Pearl the cat has seen 92 other kitties get adopted from the shelter but yet she is still waiting for her forever home.

The sweet little girl is hoping that her dream will come true some day.

RSPCA Stapeley Grange

Pearl was abandoned outside a vet clinic along with her feline friend Topaz and their three kittens. RSPCA's Stapeley Grange Cattery (in Cheshire, UK) took the entire furry family into their care. All but Pearl found new homes.

Before she was rescued, the 3-year-old kitty spent most of her life living rough, and only now is she living a good life.

"When she first came in to us she wouldn't go near anyone at all. She was semi-feral and terrified of people, but slowly she has started to learn to trust," Lee Stewart, manager of the London Road cattery, said in a press release sent to Love Meow.

RSPCA Stapeley Grange

She got to experience that humans aren't that bad and started to enjoy their company. Nothing a good game with a fishing rod and a few ping pong balls couldn't fix. Pearl's playful side began to show and soon she would chase after her favorite toys with boundless joy.

"Pearl has clearly been affected by what happened to her but she has grown so much in confidence since February."

RSPCA Stapeley Grange

Since her arrival at the adoption center around 200 days ago, she has said her goodbyes to almost 100 other feline friends that have gone to good homes.

"It is really difficult to say why she is still with us as she is a lovely cat who has already been through so much…. Pearl has been with us the longest out of all our cats and we are desperate to find her a home."

RSPCA Stapeley Grange

Pearl is no longer that timid cat who wanted to hide from everyone. She's really blossomed into a friendly, quirky and playful kitty.

"She may never be that cat that constantly wants attention but she will still be able to give a lot of love to someone," Lee said. "We think she will be best suited with an experienced cat-owner who has a lot of patience."

The sweet girl is waiting for that special someone who will open their heart and love her forever.

RSPCA Stapeley Grange

Playful little girl! :)

Share this story with your friends. If you would like to adopt Pearl, you can email If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow RSPCA Stapeley Grange on Facebook.

Related story: Woman Asks Shelter for Least Adoptable Cat and Finds 16 Year Old Ginger Hiding in Corner, 5 Hours After Adoption

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