Cat Nurtures Dozens of Orphaned Kittens and Becomes Their Surrogate Dad..

Cat Nurtures Dozens of Orphaned Kittens and Becomes Their Surrogate Dad..


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This sweet kitty gets the most joy when his human mom brings home rescued kittens, so he can help look after them and show them the same love that he received when he was rescued.

Meet Benny!

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Benny was a tiny kitten when he came to a local shelter in need of a lot of help. He was one of the five very sick kittens.

"He had a horrible Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) as well as being loaded with parasites," Ellen Carozza LVT told Love Meow.

Ellen took a chance on the pathetic looking kitty and nursed him back to health. "Benny traveled back and forth to work with me daily for months after his siblings were adopted out (after excellent medical care) and just had this 'thing' about him being around other cats."

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Benny loves his feline friends especially younger and weaker ones who could use an extra dose of TLC.

"He always made friends and showed the younger groups, that came in, the ropes and played and socialized with them, so he grew up in it. I'd like to think he is giving back what we gave him. A chance for a good life," Ellen told Love Meow.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Whenever Ellen brings home an orphan baby (or a box of babies), Benny anticipates their arrival and is filled with excitement.

"Bringing home babies is like getting the BEST present ever. He gets so excited and has to help you open the carrier or poke his head into the box before you have all your stuff down," Ellen told Love Meow.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

He becomes their dedicated surrogate dad, and his fatherly instinct kicks in the moment he sees a kitten.

"Every baby he enjoys giving his signature 'Benny Blessing' of a single pat on the head or a quick cleaning to let them know everything will be OK!"

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Since Benny met his first foster baby, he's helped dozens of kittens with complicated issues.

Daddy Benny gives a little foster baby a much-needed bath.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

"We only take the cases that need extra medical care where a shelter or rescue do not want to spend the funds or have the lack of experience with the complicated babies," Ellen said.

Benny adored Winifred, a tiny miracle kitten who was rejected by her mom. Benny took to her and showered her with love and baths.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Benny seems to know that these kittens need more support and strength to heal and grow. Many of them are very fragile. He snuggles with them, gives them baths, and comforts them while they are fighting to get stronger.

He wouldn't leave the babies out of his sight. With help from Benny, the kittens are able to experience the healing power of purrs and receive love from a fatherly figure--which are vital to their survival.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Nothing makes Benny happier than caring for his foster babies.

The loving feline dad reassures his kittens that they are loved and he's there to protect them.

Ellen Carozza @thecatlvt

Benny gives a tiny micro baby a bath while another kitten waits for his turn.

Share this story with your friends. Follow Benny and his fur babies on Instagram.

Related story: Cat Found Protecting Kittens Left in the Cold, but the Cat is Not Mom at all..

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