Cat Survives Massive Wildfire Unscathed Reunited with Her Family

Cat Survives Massive Wildfire Unscathed Reunited with Her Family


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It was a heart warming reunion when a couple found their beloved cat who survived the massive Northern California wildfires miraculously unscathed.

Debi and Jeff Brusatori were forced to leave their home as the Fork Complex fire spread. They tried to take their beloved cat with them, but the panicked Calico cat escaped and ran away.

When the couple returned to their fire devastated home, they couldn’t believe what they saw - their cat Ruthie Rosemary had miraculously survived unscathed, under a burned out truck.

U.S. Forest Service - Shasta-Trinity National Forest shared the exciting news on Facebook:

"Ruthie Rosemary the cat survives wildfire! Out of devastation comes a heartwarming story about a family pet thought to be lost to the flames of a Fork Complex fire.

Debi and Jeff Brusatori of Hayfork were forced out of their home due to encroaching fire. Ruthie Rosemary, a 3 to 4 year old Calico Tabby, was loaded up but jumped out of the car and sadly, had to be left behind. When they returned to their severely burned property about 5 days later, they heard a familiar mew coming from a burned over truck. It was Ruthie Rosemary!"

Jeff is overjoyed to be reunited with his beloved cat.

"She was found under the truck, though where she hid during the fire is anyone's guess. The fire was so intense that aluminum parts of the vehicles melted. Other than singed whiskers and eyebrows, little Ruthie Rosemary is unharmed."

Despite her losses, Debi is smiling when she has Ruthie back in her arms.

Ruthie cuddling with her human mom in the reunion.

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