Kitten Born with Always Concerned Look, Now 8 Years Later

Kitten Born with Always Concerned Look, Now 8 Years Later


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A ginger kitty was born with the always-concerned-look. He was a bit of a scaredy cat when his human found him from a shelter. Now 8 years later....

Meet Rupert the cat!

Photo: civilevil

"I adopted him from a kitten fostering program," reddit user civilevil said. "Oddly enough he is a bit of a scardey-cat. He is very shy of new people and will often hide for a good bit making little peeks around furniture until he feels comfortable enough to come out."

But deep down, Rupert is a love bug and just needs a little bit of time to get to know new people.

"Eventually once he's warmed up to you he's fine and just flops down on the floor in front of everyone."

He was born with a pair of concerned eyes.

Photo: civilevil

His human found him from a fostering program when he was just 6 weeks old.

With that look, Rupert would get anything he'd want. "Window sill naps and a reasonable amount of Greenies. Rupert's wants in life are simple ones."

Photo: civilevil

How time flies!

Rupert is 8 years old now.

Photo: civilevil

He's still wearing those worried eyes, but he's full of love.

What a handsome fluffy boy!

Photo: civilevil

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Related story: Kitty with Forever Worried Eyes will Steal Your Heart

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