Daisy the Happiest Kitty and Her Buddies

Daisy the Happiest Kitty and Her Buddies


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Written by ©Justin Minns (flickr: binliner).

We've had Daisy since she was a kitten, where she joined our 2 other cats, rabbit and guinea pig, she's almost 2 now.

Daisy is the happiest cat you could meet, she loves everyone and everything, always ready to play or purr or both! As a kitten she had a small basket with a towel in it as her bed, eventually when she could no longer squeeze into the basket we had to take it away but now everytime someone has a bath she's there, sleeping on the towel!

She has two favourite toys, Gerald the Giraffe, who she would cuddle as a kitten and an old bit of string which she is always ready to play with! She also likes to sleep in the sink and drink from the bath tap!

She loved Bailey the bunny who was very tolerant of her antics, sadly Bailey and Millie the guinea pig are no longer with us but our new rabbit, Archie, is good friends with Daisy too.

Photos courtesy of ©Justin Minns (flickr: binliner, Justin's photography).

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