FroliCat Bolt and Da Bird Review

FroliCat Bolt and Da Bird Review


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FroliCat Bolt

FroliCat Bolt is an interactive laser toy that engages your cat with very little effort on your part. It runs on a set of 4 AA batteries. All you need to do is set it down and push the power button. It comes with a mirror where its angel can be adjusted for you to change the range of the light play. [Play video below]


It is automatic, so you do not need to do anything but watch and enjoy the reaction from your cat. The laser beam is bright. It can be seen clearly even under sun light. The Bolt is timed to shut down in 15 minutes, so you do not need to manually turn it off. You can adjust the mirror to find a different angel for the beam to travel, so you can set the Bolt on the floor, table or anywhere you'd like.

For most cats, this toy gets them to run around the floor and on the wall, doing all kinds of silly antics.


Its product description fails to mention that you cannot adjust the speed at which the light moves. With a handheld laser, you can control its moving speed and make it dynamic which means more excitement for your cats. There are cases where cats get in the way of the laser and therefore cannot see the dot. There is a limit to how far you can adjust the mirror angel. It works better in a larger space. When the beam is moving, it also produces noise which maybe annoying to some cats and could throw off their enthusiasm. A number of cats may find this toy interesting, but not exciting enough to get them to chase the dot.


Before you purchase this toy, it is a good idea to test on a hand held laser pointer to see if your cat is interested in chasing laser dots in general. Also, in terms of health, as long as your cat is not staring directly into the laser for quite a while, it should be fine.

Da Bird

Most cats love and are crazy about Da Bird. It is a toy that resembles a real bird for cats. It provides loads of fun and energizes your cats by unraveling their natural predator instinct. Cats are widely known to love Da Bird, it is not surprising to know that it is one of the most popular cat toys. [Play video below]


It makes the perfect prey for your cats. By letting your cat stalk, prowl, pounce and catch DaBird, you are providing the ultimate fun time and plenty of exercise for your cat, both mentally and physically. It is a great way to keep your cats stimulated, so they will leave your favorite rug or furniture alone.


Cats tend to bite DaBird as part of their hunting instinct.  It may occur occasionally that cats ingest part of a feather or fur from the toy. If your DaBird is getting torn up, it is better to replace it with a brand new one before your cats get the opportunity to thrash it into pieces.


flickr - trieu88, swanksalot,

amazon - frolicat

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