Ginger Cat Loves His Human So Much He Can't Stopping the Kisses

Ginger Cat Loves His Human So Much He Can't Stopping the Kisses


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This adorable kitty loves his human more than anything else in this world!

"Our beloved cat 'Ville' shows his great love for me," said Fredrik Johansson.

Ville the fluffy ginger cat loves to greet him with hugs and kisses. He even makes happy paws to show his human how happy he is to see him.

"This is a daily ritual in our lives and it happens many times during the day," Johansson said. "He is almost like a dog. You can throw a hair band and then he will pick it back."

Watch video: Affectionate Ville giving his human kisses

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Related story: Man Visits Cats Wherever He Travels and Rescues Those Who Need a Home

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