Kitten Born with 'Pretzel' Legs Surprises Her Rescuer With Her Incredible Fight to Live

Kitten Born with 'Pretzel' Legs Surprises Her Rescuer With Her Incredible Fight to Live


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A tiny kitten was born with deformed hind legs and rejected by her mother. While no one expected her to survive, a woman took a chance on her and it turned her life around.

Meet Noodle!

Supplied by Sarah Phillips

This miracle kitten is quite special. She was found lying alone on a porch after her mother left her there and never came back.

Noodle's hind legs are twisted like a "pretzel", making it very difficult for her to get around.

When Sarah Phillips learned about the kitten's plight, she was two days old. No one expected her to live past one week, but Sarah wanted give the little feline a fighting chance and offered to take her in.

Supplied by Sarah Phillips

Sarah bottle fed the kitten around the clock through many sleepless nights and saw her open her eyes for the first time, and took her to her first vet visit where everyone there fell in love with her.

"She's most definitely a little fighter. Everyone at our vet absolutely loves her and all of the staff comes running as soon as they hear that she's there for an appointment," Sarah told Love Meow.

Supplied by Sarah Phillips

"I've never seen a kitten as strong as her in my life, at just two days old she had a respiratory infection, which of course, made us even more worried that she wouldn't make it.

"But after that first week or so, taking her medicine, she completely turned around!"

Supplied by Sarah Phillips

Cuddling with her human mom makes Noodle the happiest kitty in the world.

"She loves to cuddle up to my neck and make little cat biscuits until she falls asleep."

Supplied by Sarah Phillips

The kitten is currently walking on her back knees. Despite her deformed legs, Noodle doesn't let anything slow her down. She's always in good spirits and is as playful as any other kitten.

Sarah is working on getting her a cart or a kitty wheelchair to help her get around better.

"She's extremely independent so I'm not sure how well she will take to some help but it's definitely worth a shot," Sarah told Love Meow.

Her bottle and her stuffed bunny are her favorite things in the world.

Supplied by Sarah Phillips

Noodle is six week old now!

"She is still super tiny for her age (about 6oz) but she's slowly growing as the weeks go by.

"She has the appetite of a horse and LOVES to lay on her back and nibble on fingers. She's very quirky and so much fun to spend time with, she's very funny and thinks she can attack anything and everything and win."

Supplied by Sarah Phillips

"Raising her has definitely been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, but it has definitely been worth it," Sarah told Love Meow.

"She's brought such joy to our lives and has filled our hearts with love I've never known until I watched her grow."

Supplied by Sarah Phillips

Watch this little miracle's journey in this video:

Share this story with your friends. If you would like to help with Noodle's medical expenses, click here for more info.

Related story: Woman Saves Blind Kitten with 'Backwards' Legs and Turns Her Life Around

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