Kitten Found Near Bushes, Bounces Back and Gives Everyone Around Him Cuddles

Kitten Found Near Bushes, Bounces Back and Gives Everyone Around Him Cuddles


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A tiny kitten bounced back from the brink and started giving everyone around him cuddles.

Megan Nystrom

Molly from Seattle, Washington heard a kitten's cries when she was at a Wal-mart parking lot, earlier this year. She followed the sound to the back, next to some bushes and found a tiny kitten, around two days old. He was meowing at the top of his lungs next to his mom who sadly didn't survive the busy traffic.

Molly who is a full-time nanny, realized that she wouldn't be able to bottle feed the kitten around the clock, so she sent a plea on Facebook, asking for the assistance of an experienced bottle feeder.

Emersen, a volunteer of Alley Cat Project, quickly responded and shared it with her foster community. "She told us about the little guy and I jumped at the chance," Megan Nystrom told Love Meow. "Emerson drove to meet Molly and drove him to my house, holding him in her hand to keep him warm."

Megan Nystrom

When the kitten arrived, Megan noticed just how tiny he was. "He was by far the smallest kitten I'd ever seen. I really think he was premature. He looked exactly like a tiny gray mouse, which is how he got his name - Mouse."

Despite his itty bitty stature, Mouse had a big voice and would meow incessantly until he got exactly what he wanted. "He took several feedings to latch but quickly got the hang of it," Megan added.

Megan Nystrom

A few days into foster care, Mouse gave Megan the cutest little surprise. After getting a full belly that morning, he curled up in her hands and switched on his tiniest purr motor and started rumbling. "He loved being snuggled after his bottle and started purring pretty quickly."

Mouse wrapped his arms around his snuggle piggy and fell right to sleep.

Megan Nystrom

As Mouse grew, his personality began to emerge. As soon as he figured out his legs, he waddled his way out of his comfy nest and attempted to explore.

"He proved to be a sweet, snuggly, mischievous kitten. Once he got his first round of vaccinations, I let him meet my elderly cats Jack-Jack and Cleo," Megan shared with Love Meow.

Megan Nystrom

"Jack-Jack is a gigantic, owl-eyed sweetheart and he was absolutely terrified of Mouse."

But resistance was futile as Mouse was determined to win him over by forcing snuggles from all directions. Cleo, the other senior cat, wasn't so sure about the little newcomer either, but tolerated his many antics.

Megan Nystrom

"He insisted on following Cleo and Jack-Jack around. At first, he was just met with hisses or quick escapes, but eventually they got used to him pouncing on them and snuggling up to them for naps."

The persistent tabby boy wouldn't take no for an answer. The more they resisted his affection, the more determined he was to make them love him.

Megan Nystrom

"We cautiously let our elderly dog Benny meet Mouse as well because we weren't sure how it would go. Mouse learned how to crab-walk and strike his best Halloween kitty pose and he used it frequently with Benny," Megan said.

"They loved to wrestle and chase each other around."

Megan Nystrom

Benny didn't mind having a cuddle buddy at nap time, especially one equipped with a loud purr motor.

Megan Nystrom

Mouse enjoyed alternating between his foster mom and the furry residents for nap time, being as spoiled as he could be.

Sweet Cleo shared her cozy bed with the little needy kitty.

Megan Nystrom

Mouse is a natural parrot cat and an expert at sleeping in the crook of his human's neck.

Megan Nystrom

His rescuer Molly fell head over heels for the little guy on the day she found him in the parking lot. She's been following his journey on social media ever since.

When the kitten was big enough for adoption, Molly knew just the perfect home for him.

Megan Nystrom

Last week, Molly officially adopted Mouse into her loving home, where he would have a canine sister, Coco, to romp around and cuddle with every day.

Megan Nystrom

Share this story with your friends. Follow Megan's fosters on Instagram.

Related story: Stray Kitten Comes Running from Bushes and So Happy to Find Help

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