Kitten Found in Desert Surprises Her Rescuer How Far She Has Come

Kitten Found in Desert Surprises Her Rescuer How Far She Has Come


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A tiny kitten was found in the desert panting for help. A young woman couldn't believe what she saw as she drove by. She stopped her car and ran to the kitten…

Jen G. shares the story with Love Meow:

About a year and a half ago, it was the middle of the summer here (about 120 degrees F. that day) in the Mohave Desert. I was driving under an underpass when something caught my eye on the side of the road. I stopped, left my car running, door open and ran over to see what it was.

Courtesy of Jen G

It was a tiny kitten laying on her side. I said "how did you get here little monster?" She appeared passed out but panting. Without touching her I looked to see if she had any visible injuries, I was scared to move her if she was hurt but she would surely die in the heat if I didn't.

A lady (I wish I had gotten her name) pulled around my car and got out to see if I was ok and saw what I was doing. She ran to her car and brought me a bottle of water and a towel. I wet my hands and and rubbed the kittens face and back.

I filled the cap with water and held it to her nose and she drank right away. I picked her up and put her in the passenger side of my car, which thankfully wasn't stolen! Off we went to the vet. Good news! Except a cut on her bottom lip and being badly over heated she was fine! I was given free of charge some kitten formula and food to mash into a paste.

When we arrived home I settled her into a small cool but cozy space with a small litter box, water and food. I closed the door and left her to relax because I was sure she was stressed. My other kitty, Princess Buttercup was quite curious about this little monster invading her space!

Joon the resident cat comforted the kitten with cuddles.

Courtesy of Jen

After about an hour I peeked in on her. She had peed and pooped in the litter and had eaten some food. I knew right then and there she was going to be just fine.

I picked her up and called her Monzie.

Monzie began to thrive in her new home!

As she grew her colors started to change, almost on a daily basis, she was darkening.

Courtesy of Jen G

Holding paws with Princess Buttercup.

Courtesy of Jen G

Monzie has grown into a beautiful girl.

Courtesy of Jen G

I may have rescued her but she rescued me too. Everyday she brings joy and laughter to myself as well as my room mate and best friend Cindy

Courtesy of Jen G

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