Kitten Lost Use of Back Legs But Didn't Lose the Fight, What a Difference Love Can Make!

Kitten Lost Use of Back Legs But Didn't Lose the Fight, What a Difference Love Can Make!


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Monkey the little miracle kitty was rescued from a difficult and abusive environment that left her with paralyzed hindquarters.

But she didn't give up fighting!

Photo: Monkey The Miracle Kitten

After losing the use of her back legs, Monkey tried everything she could to survive. She was just two weeks old when she was rescued by a kind person named Tegan, who brought the little kitten to safety.

The nearest vet or supermarkets were 8 hours drive away, so the rescuers (Tegan and Kyleigh) worked tirelessly with very limited resources to save the little kitten.

"With warm baths, hourly feeds, a comfy bed and lots of rest and cuddles, Monkey amazingly began to gain strength," Kyleigh said.

The little kitten, who was found semi-lifeless and small enough to be held in the palm of a hand, started to show strength, curiosity and affection.

Photo: Monkey The Miracle Kitten

She began to thrive under her rescuers' care. "Like a monkey amidst the trees, she surprised everyone who came in her path, with her incredible strength using only her upper body to explore the red earth surrounds."

The little bundle of joy would constantly crave affection and connection from people despite her past. "How she had trust in humans again, we will never know… but she did," Kyleigh said.

Photo: Monkey The Miracle Kitten

At six weeks, they transported Monkey to Alice Springs to be examined by a vet, who would determine whether the kitten would be strong enough to fly to Homeless & Abused Animal Rescue Team (HAART), a rescue group in Perth, for more constant and appropriate care.

"Monkey won them over with her completely adorable personality and survivor attitude, leaving the vets shocked that she was still alive despite everything that she had gone through," Kyleigh said.

Photo: Monkey The Miracle Kitten

"Everyone who met her, the dogs included, were fascinated by her ability to be so mobile despite the severe damage to her back legs."

Photo: Monkey The Miracle Kitten

Monkey made it to Perth and was taken to meet her foster mom, Lyn, but after just five minutes, Lyn claimed Monkey as a 'permanent member of the family' and that 'Monkey is not going anywhere'."

Cuddling with her forever human mom.

"Monkey has been receiving Bowen therapy and red light therapy regularly. Coupled with regular exercise, the improvements in Monkey have been remarkable."

She is a little trooper!

Photo: Monkey The Miracle Kitten

"There is no doubt in everyone's mind, that Monkey will continue to regain more use of her back legs and she has amazed everyone in her new ability to take off her nappy and toilet herself in the kitty litter," Kyleigh said.

Watch her story:

Little Monkey is worth fighting for!

"She has become quite the companion, accompanying her new mum wherever she goes, wrapped up, safe and completely in love with those around her who are showing so much patience, compassion and care toward her.

"What Monkey doesn't realise, is that she offers people so much more than what they offer her."

Lyn Blakiston

Share this story with your friends. If you would like to support HAART's rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow Monkey the miracle kitty on Facebook.

Related story: Cat Experiences Feeling in Paralyzed Legs and Can't Believe it

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