Stray Kitten So Happy When She is Finally off the Streets and Has Her Life Turned Around

Stray Kitten So Happy When She is Finally off the Streets and Has Her Life Turned Around


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A tiny stray kitten never stopped purring from the moment she found her second chance at life.

Shauna @ixluvxcats

A resident from Philadelphia spotted a tabby kitten wandering the streets by herself. She was just skin and bones and in poor shape. When she stopped eating on her own, the person who found her, rushed her to the city shelter (ACCT Philly) for help.

The kitten was struggling with severe digestive issues. Despite being very hungry, she couldn't eat and had very little strength. Noah's Ark Rescue Project and Sanctuary (NARPS Cats) was contacted about the tabby. They took her right in so she could receive immediate medical attention and proper care to ensure her survival.

"She was really dehydrated and having unresolving diarrhea which is dangerous for a tiny kitten. She was only 11 ounces when we got her," Shauna, a volunteer of NARPS Cats, told Love Meow.

Shauna @ixluvxcats

Despite being in rough shape, the kitten (named Gretel) was purring the entire time they were caring for her. "She never stopped purring from the moment we got her, and just wanted to be around people."

They gave the little tabby subcutaneous fluids to rehydrate her and nutrient dense food to try to get some weight on her. She never complained and was so friendly to her caregivers, soaking up all the attention and love.

Shauna @ixluvxcats

"I treated her for coccidia and she took her force-feeding like a champ," Shauna added. "We also got her on a slew of medications — dewormers and antibiotics."

The little fighter got back on track with help from many dedicated volunteers, and was finally on the mend. When she started eating on her own again, she made everyone at the rescue so proud.

Shauna @ixluvxcats

Gretel continued to improve every day, putting on weight and gaining strength. As she got bigger and more playful, she purred and meowed even louder.

She may be a tiny kitty but has the heart of a lion.

Shauna @ixluvxcats

After two weeks of round-the-clock care and constant TLC, Gretel is doing so much better.

She has doubled her weight at one pound and five ounces and tripled her energy. This amazing little kitty has come so far since the day she was rescued.

Shauna @ixluvxcats

No more wandering the streets and looking for food and shelter, little Gretel is on her way to a great life she always wanted.

"She will never have to be cold or hungry again."

Shauna @ixluvxcats

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Stray kitten finds second chance at

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