Kitten Who Couldn't Grow, Found Someone Who Never Gave Up on Him

Kitten Who Couldn't Grow, Found Someone Who Never Gave Up on Him


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A woman refused to give up on a tiny kitten who couldn't grow, and turned his life around.

Ellen Carozza LVT

Francis the tuxedo was just the size of a newborn kitten when he came to NOVA Cat Clinic at three weeks old. His siblings weighed in at 10 ounces or more, but he was less than half of their size.

Ellen Carozza, Feline Licensed Veterinary Technician, took him home to foster after his initial exam. Despite how tiny he was, Francis was a fighter. From day one, he proved to be a great eater and attention seeker.

He would meow non-stop until his caretaker picked him up and held him. He was the perfect pocket kitten who demanded constant attention.

Ellen Carozza LVT

They worried that Francis might have health issues that impeded his growth.

"After speaking to several specialists, he is not hypothyroid due to confirmed additional tests but may have a growth hormone deficiency," Ellen said.

Ellen Carozza LVT

"He has multiple issues we are working on, not just him being small."

What Francis lacks in size, he makes up for with his larger-than-life personality.

Ellen Carozza LVT

When Francis was six weeks old, he was about the size of a 3-week-old kitten.

The tuxedo boy with the perfect mustache will likely stay tiny forever. (Scroll down for video)

Ellen Carozza LVT

Ellen's family fell in love with little Francis, and he was adopted when he was eight weeks old.

That's when Francis decided that he would help other kittens in need.

Ellen Carozza LVT

NOVA Cat Clinic's foundation, The Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation (CGMFF), gives neonatal or special needs kittens like Francis the care that they need to survive and thrive.

Now whenever Francis meets a foster kitten, he will offer them kisses and lots of cuddles.

Ellen Carozza LVT

The tuxedo kitty is still much smaller for his age, but he is healthy, extremely affectionate and very playful.

Ellen Carozza LVT

"Francis is 13 weeks and Chesham (the calico) is 18 weeks. He is half her size but has the correct mental and emotional behaviors for his age. We do not plan to pursue why he is small, as he is healthy," Ellen said.

Ellen Carozza LVT

"Patience, perseverance and patient advocacy saved his life. Never give up on your most difficult cases, someone is out there to help you," Ellen wrote.

Ellen Carozza LVT

Francis came to the veterinary clinic as a challenging case, but they never gave up on him!

Look at him now!

Ellen Carozza LVT

Follow Francis on Instagram @thecatlvt.

Watch his journey in this cute video:

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Related story: Kitten Who Stays Forever Tiny, Wriggles His Way into Family's Hearts

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