Rescued Cat and Her Newborn Kittens Find Safe Home Right Before New Year's Eve

Rescued Cat and Her Newborn Kittens Find Safe Home Right Before New Year's Eve


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A cat mother and her kittens were pulled from the shelter just in time so they could have a safe home to ring in the New Year.

Kymmi @lv_fosterkittens

Molly the cat was brought into a shelter in Las Vegas after she was found as a stray. On December 29, she went into labor and gave birth to five little kittens.

She was a great mom from the start, nursing and caring for her babies with unconditional love, but a shelter environment was not a good place for her to raise her little family.

As the shelter was already at capacity, Molly and her kittens were in desperate need of rescue. Nikki Martinez, a TNR rescuer and foster, was contacted about the feline family. She immediately sprang into action.

Kymmi @lv_fosterkittens

She along with Hearts Alive Village Las Vegas pulled the kitties from the shelter. Yesterday, Kymmi, an experienced foster carer, picked them up and welcomed them into her home with open arms.

On their way to their foster home, Mama Molly never took a break from nursing and caring for her kittens.

Kymmi @lv_fosterkittens

They were placed in a quiet and comfortable room with soft, warm blankets and all the food that Molly could feast on.

Mama purred up a storm as her kittens nuzzled in for another feeding.

Kymmi @lv_fosterkittens

"She is the sweetest cat and is such a doting momma," Kymmi told Love Meow. "Thankfully, this will be her last litter ever and she has an amazing future in a loving, forever home ahead of her!"

Kymmi woke up this morning to the sound of the kittens, nursing away. The room was filled with purrs and lots of adorable squeaky meows.

Kymmi @lv_fosterkittens

Mama Molly was taken off the streets just in time so her kittens wouldn't have been born outside.

"Las Vegas has an estimated 250,000 stray/feral cats living on the street. If there are stray cats living in your area, get them spayed/neutered," Nikki said. "If you find kittens and decide to bring them inside to safety, it's so important that the mother is trapped and spayed to stop the cycle."

Kymmi @lv_fosterkittens

Now the little family of six is ringing in the New Year in a safe, warm home with their loving foster family.

Kymmi @lv_fosterkittens

Follow updates on this beautiful feline family on Instagram.

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Related story: Stray Cat Mom Brings Her Kittens to Man that She Befriended, for Help

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