Scared Cat Mom Finds Love When Woman Gives Her Kittens Help and Comfort

Scared Cat Mom Finds Love When Woman Gives Her Kittens Help and Comfort


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A cat mama from a feral cat colony experienced the comfort of a home for the first time when a woman opened her door to help her and her kittens.

She went from being very scared to loving attention and even lap time.

Kristi Bellis @whiskersnpurrs

Employees at a remote marina in Canada had been caring for two feline sisters from a cat colony. After a while of trying to gain their trust, they were able to touch them.

When they noticed that the cats were pregnant, they immediately contacted a rescue group for help. The two sisters were taken into two foster homes along with their kitties.

When Celeste and her three babies came to Kristi Bellis, a foster based in Vancouver Island, British Columbia, she was very scared and wanted to hide from her caretaker.

Kristi Bellis @whiskersnpurrs

"Mama was very timid and hid her face from me," Kristi told Love Meow.

Celeste was born to a feral cat and had only known outside life. She was frightened when she first arrived at Kristi's house.

Kristi Bellis @whiskersnpurrs

They gave her plenty of space to settle in with her kittens, thinking it would take her some time to come around, but things began to change after the mama and her kittens were given their very own kitty room - a safe haven.

Kristi waited for Mama Cat to allow her to pet her on her own terms. "She accepted my petting and seemed to enjoy it, as long as she was in her nesting tote. If I came in the foster room when she was out of the nest she would run away from me."

Kristi Bellis @whiskersnpurrs

Kristi continued showing the cat mother and her kittens kindness and love. She brought her lots of good food and plenty of soft things to snuggle in. Slowly but surely, Celeste started to come around.

As days went by, the fear in her eyes vanished and Mama Celeste decided to walk near her foster parents instead of hiding from them.

Kristi Bellis @whiskersnpurrs

For the first time in her life, Celeste felt completely safe. She was doing a great job caring for her kittens with help from her foster family.

"She really started coming around when I moved them into the big foster room. She still doesn't allow me to pick her up. And she hides in the corner when other people visit. But her progress is very promising."

Kristi Bellis @whiskersnpurrs

They began working on getting comfortable with lap cuddles with just a bit of treat motivation, and last Wednesday, Celeste walked up to Kristi and sat on her lap for the very first time.

She made everyone so proud.

Kristi Bellis @whiskersnpurrs

"She really seems to be relaxing and trusting me more now," Kristi told Love Meow.

"Celeste is a great mom. Despite being only nine months old when she had her babies, she's doing such a good job caring for them. They are fat and clean and happy."

Kristi Bellis @whiskersnpurrs

"She's really progressing fast now. And she loves my husband! When my husband comes in the room she runs over to him. Total crush."

Beautiful feline family!

The cat mama who hid from everyone in the house, now will reach out for love and head snuggles.

What fostering can do!

Share this story with your friends. Follow Kristi's foster kitties on Instagram @whiskersnpurrs

Related story: Deaf Cat Mom Gets Help for Her Surviving Kittens and Can't Stop Purring

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