Kitty Receives a Fighting Chance at Good, Long Life

Kitty Receives a Fighting Chance at Good, Long Life


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This is what love can do to a tiny little kitten. It's changed this kitty's life forever.

"My son found this flea ridden little critter crying & scared & very, very sick. Six months of TLC and almost $1500 in vet bills, he's become a handsome, regal beast who now has a forever family," said Jess Cuz via Reddit.

"That $1500 included his neutering, first shots, initial check-up, etc. The biggest cost was from an emergency vet visit when he started having kidney failure. His spirit was so strong, we had to give him a fighting chance at a good, long life."

He was found flea ridden, scared and sick...

Six months of love and TLC, he's grown into a handsome, regal kitty cat

Photos by Jess Cuz via Reddit.

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