Kotora the Ginger Tabby Cat

Kotora the Ginger Tabby Cat


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Kotora a beautiful ginger kitty just turned 1 in April. He is absolutely spoiled rotten by his mommy.

When Kotora arrived in his new home, he was a tiny little kitten only a few months old. He was quickly introduced to his sibling Aoi, a 3 year old kitty at the time. Aoi and Kotora might have a few swats and hisses during introduction, but soon they worked out their differences, shook paws and made friends.

Kotora grew very quickly. "The size of his face increased so fast. It became pudgy and round." Kotora loves attention from everyone. Whenever there are visitors in the house, he will give them a proper meet and greet.

When he and Aoi are not playing, Kotora likes to stay by the window, watching birds flying by. But his favorite activity of all is playing fetch with his mommy. "If I throw a toy, he will happily bring it back in his mouth like a little puppy."

Photos courtesy of Hiroki Nakamura (blog: Days with).

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