Little Homeless Stray With Perpetual Look Of Surprise

Little Homeless Stray With Perpetual Look Of Surprise


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Meet Tino, named for his Tina Turner-esque hair.

Tenth Life found him wandering through an intersection in Imperial, MO, without a mother and didn't seem to have a home to go to. He was very tiny and dehydrated. When they gently approached the little guy to offer some food, "…he immediately gobbled up whatever we put in front of him," Tenth Life wrote.

"Tino is sweet, curious and playful, but what we love most of all is his perpetual look of surprise. His wide eyes rarely blink, and that hair is un-tame-able!"

Tino the rescue stray always wears a surprised look on his face

"I can't believe I am safe and loved now!"

Photos via Tenth Life.

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