Love Meow Holiday Card Giveaway Winners

Love Meow Holiday Card Giveaway Winners


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Flickr: quantre mains

Thank you guys for nominating Love Meow for the Best Facebook Fan Page. Only 5 Facebook fan pages out of millions got into the final voting round. The competition seemed to be extremely tough when we were up against True Blood and Twilight. Nonetheless, I want to thank you all for nominating us.

As a token of our appreciation, we randomly picked 10 people who nominated us to receive a beautiful Love Meow holiday card. If you did not get picked, don't worry. We will have a lot more giveaway contests in the future :-).

Don't forget to sign up for Love Meow Newsletter to get the first notice of upcoming photo contests, giveaways and other events.

This give away is over :-)

So now, the winners of the Holiday Card Giveaway:

  • Leona Wellwood
  • Jessica Lee
  • Eden Rogers
  • Nini Theda Ingrid
  • Karen Millett
  • Kaitlin Nichols
  • Carrie (Canada)
  • Jessika Fox
  • Carolina Reinoso
  • Hilda Constantineau

Thank you so much for nominating us! Hopefully we will get into the final 5 next year. Meow!

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