Man Finds a Skinny Kitten Meowing in the Woods, His Life is Changed Forever!

Man Finds a Skinny Kitten Meowing in the Woods, His Life is Changed Forever!


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A man found a tiny kitten in the woods meowing at the top of his lungs. When the kitten ran up to him pleading for help, his life was changed forever.

Courtesy of Radu

"We were at a friend's vacation house, somewhere in a small village near the woods. At about 11PM, completely dark outside (it was in October), I was outside, next to a dying fire when I heard some high-pitched meows," Radu told Love Meow.

"It took a while to locate the kitten, but I found him and showed him to others. My wife asked what we were going to do with him. My opinion was he would not survive if we let him outside."

Courtesy of Radu

Radu suggested to find him a home. They fed the kitten some food which he devoured, then took him to sleep in their bed. "Next day we went home, taking him with us (he slept in the car together with my son)."

"After the vet visit, it became clear to us that we would not give him away any more."

Courtesy of Radu

"My wife built him stairs made of pillows so he could climb to our bed (one of his hind legs was injured, and he could not step on it).

"After a couple of days he felt confident enough to become the master of the house," Radu told Love Meow.

Courtesy of Radu

He was christened Kiril and became part of the family.

Courtesy of Radu

They got him his first mousy. He loved it!

Courtesy of Radu

Enjoying the sun beams and warmth at his forever home.

Courtesy of Radu

As Kiril grew, he figured out a few places to keep his humans company at all time - like the computer desk.

Courtesy of Radu

Kiril loves the coziness of his blanket that he shares with his humans.

Courtesy of Radu

Kiril is all grown up now, full of personality and quirks.

"My wife who was not a cat person, now couldn't imagine life without him. Neither could I."

Courtesy of Radu

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