Man Saves Kitten Trapped Inside Store Facade and Knows Just the Right Home for Him

Man Saves Kitten Trapped Inside Store Facade and Knows Just the Right Home for Him


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Last week, the cries of a kitten caught the attention of a man who works at a grocery store in Brazil. The kitten was trapped, meowing for help.

Ricardo Sardinha from Guarulhos grabbed his ladder and rushed to the kitten's rescue.

Ricardo Sardinha

"Everything started when I heard his meow. I thought it was a child crying, but no, it was a kitten asking for help," Ricardo of Emporio Sardinha told Love Meow.

On the day he heard the cry, he looked around his store but was unable to locate the kitten. When he returned the next day, he realized that the kitten was stuck behind the store facade next to where he works.

The store next door was being renovated and had been closed for more than a week. They suspected that the kitten had got up there from inside the shop.

"I took a ladder and a hammer to rescue him."

Ricardo Sardinha

The kitten was behind the wooden planks boarded above the door. Ricardo plied open one and reached in for the kitten.

The little tabby walked right out when he saw the light.

Ricardo Sardinha

The man grabbed the kitten and gently put him in his arms as he descended from the ladder.

Watch the rescue in this video:

"I gave him water and food. After that I brought him home," Ricardo told Love Meow.

Ricardo fell in love with the kitten at first sight.

Ricardo Sardinha

Ricardo has three other cats and his whole family adores animals.

They welcomed the kitten into their loving home and made him a permanent part of their family.

Ricardo Sardinha

"Now he has a home and a family with a lot of love to give him. We named him Angelino."

Ricardo Sardinha

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Related story: Kitten Brought into a Store, Meows for Help and Gets Rescued Just in Time, Now 2 Months Later

Thanks to Monica Varriano for sharing the story with us!

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