Man Used A Groupon To Give His Kitten A Photo Shoot At J.C. Penney

Man Used A Groupon To Give His Kitten A Photo Shoot At J.C. Penney


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Others take their family members and little babies to J.C. Penney for family portraits, Alex Lubow, a cat man, decided he would take his adopted special needs kitty, Winslow, instead. “I was certainly getting lots of looks,” Alex said. “I sat around with the other families. Of course all of them had their little babies and newborns, and seemed pretty upset that my kitten was probably 10 times cuter.”

Alex posted the photos on Imgur, and instantly they went viral. Winslow has Luxating Patellas - a genetic disorder that causes his kneecaps to pop out of place. Thanks to the internet fame, Winslow has raised enough money for his surgery.

Alex used a Groupon to give his adopted special needs kitten a photo shoot at J.C. Penney.

“I sat around with the other families. Of course all of them had their little babies and newborns, and seemed pretty upset that my kitten was probably 10 times cuter.”

Alex posted his photos on Imgur and immediately they went viral.

Winslow has Luxating Patellas - a genetic disorder that causes his kneecaps to pop out of place.

Thanks to the internet fame, Winslow has raised enough money for his surgery.

Photos via imgur. Also seen on Buzzfeed.

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