Mom Cat Finds Her Kittens A Safe Place

Mom Cat Finds Her Kittens A Safe Place


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Catherine (Kate) a beautiful black cat showed up in someone's yard one day and started making herself at home. The owner of the family brought her to the Challenger's House in Toney, Alabama. When she was going through physical check up at the vet's, they discovered that Kate didn't come to the yard alone. She was pregnant. "She showed up at the house of a woman and her son; …Kate hovered around their back yard for a while before she decided to make herself at home," said Robyn Anderson, the foster mom.

They took Kate with a big belly to Robyn, an experienced fosterer. In less than a month, Kate gave birth to five very fuzzy kittens (two tuxies, two tabbies, and one black).

Kate has been nothing but loving and dedicated to her babies. Her motherly instinct kicked in when she was pregnant. She was looking for a safe place to have her kittens and ended up in the good hands of the Challenger's House.

Kate the mom cat swamped by her kittens

Very hungry kitties


You can see more at Robyn’s blog Love and Hisses.

Photos courtesy of Robyn Anderson (flickr: RobynAnderson).

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