This rescue cow kitten named Moo was introduced to two loving dogs who became the kitty's mom and nanny.
"My grandma has Alzheimer's and likes to feed the stray cats in her backyard. She found this [kitten] when she was one day old and brought her inside.... She was the only little one she found and mama cat hadn't been seen in a while. [My grandma] was trying to feed her cow milk with a spoon, so I rescued her, brought her home and introduced her to my dogs who are her new momma and nanny. The smaller dog (Lady Beatrice) is the bigger dog's (Panda) momma.... So I knew I could get Lady Beatrice to help out," said Bettina C from Pawcious Moments.
Bettina who is a volunteer for Long Beach Spay and Neuter, bottle feeds little Moo around the clock with help from her dogs. Lady Beatrice especially adores Moo. She cleans her, looks after her and is there every step of the way like a mother. They share a very special bond together.
Moo the kitty and Lady Beatrice first met
Moo thinks she is her mom
Lady Beatrice gives Moo a little help to get to the top
Moo and Panda share the same markings
After Moo is fed, she tries to check out what Panda eats
Moo's favorite pastime is to snuggle up with her 'mom'
Moo today:
Photos courtesy of ©Bettina Chavez (Pawcious Moments).