Motherless Kitties Find New 'Dad', a Rabbit Named Marlowe

Motherless Kitties Find New 'Dad', a Rabbit Named Marlowe


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These motherless kitties found an unusual 'dad' at their new home - a rabbit named Marlowe who is also a rescue.

Meet Marlowe and his feline babies!

rescue kittens and bunny rabbit dadCourtesy: Liz at Flickr

Liz wrote on her flickr page: "We had 7 house guests, 6 of them were kittens. Four of those were 5 week old orphans whose mother died a week earlier and the other two were 8 week old rescues.

"It made the most sense to put them all in the same room as Marlowe since it had the most space for them to play. I was planning to keep Marlowe in his x-pen but the kittens were curious about him so I left his gate open. Pretty soon he was out and about in the room with them."

Marlowe the bunny and the kittens hit it off right away!

rescue kittens and bunny rabbit dadCourtesy: Liz at Flickr

"That first night I checked in on them to find Marlowe and the kittens camped out together in the pet carrier. He was exactly what they needed and took his role seriously for the three days they shared together."

Marlowe became their new dad.

rescue kittens and bunny rabbit dadCourtesy: Liz at Flickr

"The young kittens seemed to look to him as a substitute for their mother. He let them climb over him, attempt to suckle him, stick their paws on his face, wrap their arms around his ears and in return he groomed them and kept them warm while they slept."

rescue kittens and bunny rabbit dadCourtesy: Liz at Flickr

"Usually Marlowe comes hopping when he hears the sound of pellets in his bowl but on this morning he didn't.

"He stayed with the kittens so instead I put some pellets where he could reach them. He wasn't eager to come out and eat his veggies either. I thought it was something special how he was dedicated to the kittens," Liz said.

Courtesy: Liz at Flickr

They spent barely 3 days together but bonded immediately.

Courtesy: Liz at Flickr

Marlowe takes time to groom this kitten.

Courtesy: Liz at Flickr

Keeping them warm while they slept.

Courtesy: Liz at Flickr

Caring for kittens is tiring!

Courtesy: Liz at Flickr

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Photos by Liz on Flickr.

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