Newest Video on Oscar the Cat that Predicts Death

Newest Video on Oscar the Cat that Predicts Death


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Oscar the cat who is known to habitually curl up on a bed with a terminally ill patient a couple hours before the patient departs. There are many speculations about why Oscar shows such unique ability.

The most probable explanation is that cats' characteristic of being creatures of habits and the heavy dependence on their sense of smell in virtually every aspect of their life are perhaps the cause of Oscar's "sixth sense."

There has not been any scientific research on what may trigger Oscar's ability to detect imminent death. However, it is very likely that certain scent or pheromone is the contributor to his behavior.

Dr. David Dosa was on Fox 64 this morning to talk about Oscar and the book (Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat) he wrote about this unbelievable feline. All the videos I found on YouTube are recorded back in 2007. This is perhaps the newest interview with Dr. David Dosa.

Click play to watch the video:

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