No One Expected this Kitten Born with a Broken Heart to Survive. A Year Later... Look at Her Now

No One Expected this Kitten Born with a Broken Heart to Survive. A Year Later... Look at Her Now


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Millie the kitty was born with a very delicate heart and wasn't expected to survive birth. But this little calico with a broken heart has the bravest heart of all. A year later... Look at her now!

"Millie is the most perfect kitten in the world," Millie's family wrote via imgur. "From the beginning it was clear something was wrong. She was born with Tetralogy of Fallot, a heart condition with four serious defects."

No one expected the tiny calico to survive but she made it through. "She wasn't supposed to survive birth but still made a good go at playing with her brothers."

She is a lovebug and always keeps her brothers and humans company.

This is her favorite place to curl up in her new home.

"At a month she was far too small for the 'big cat' bowls and the vets were sure she wasn't going to make it."

"Millie was always very playful but she kept getting out of breath and we were told she wouldn't make it to six months."

But this brave little gal proved them wrong. She kept beating the odds and living her life to the fullest.

"Millie always bounds up to you when she thinks something exciting is happening... or there's a chance for some tuna."

"She's much bigger now and can eat from the proper bowls!"

"For a few weeks she was very ill and just lay about gasping for breath... After a very worried night for us, staying up syringing water into her mouth, she started to improve a bit."

Clyde the cat watching over his little sister with lots of purrs and snuggles.

Other kitties in the house also take care of her.

It's been one year since this little miracle kitten came into this world. No one expected she would survive. Look at her now!

Love may just be the perfect medicine to mend a broken heart. Share this story.

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