Ollie the Kitty and His Gentle Giant Furiend

Ollie the Kitty and His Gentle Giant Furiend


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Ollie the kitty was found in a park by Tracy and Ryan. They took him home and the rest is history.

While nursing the little one, Ollie met his new friend, a gentle giant named Bacon the dog. "After Bacon got over his excitement of seeing a kitten (first through a glass door, then through his crate), we let Bacon come into the same room. Bacon was incredibly patient, and also very intuitive about Ollie’s tiny baby size. Bacon lay down to get eye level with Ollie, and let Ollie crawl all over his face," wrote Ryan on Ollie's blog.

Their friendship started and grew each day as they spent more time together. Ollie was never intimated by his big canine friend. In fact, Ollie loves him and the two are inseparable.

Ollie and Bacon, bonding time. Watch video:

Ollie meets Bacon the dog

Sniff sniff


Best friends

Photos courtesy of ©Tracy and Ryan. Follow Ollie and Bacon's story at their blog or Youtube.

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