Orphan Cat Raised by Rescue Dog, Furry Friends for Life

Orphan Cat Raised by Rescue Dog, Furry Friends for Life


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Jacob the cat thinks he is a dog, and his mother is a big husky who was found homeless, nursing 5 puppies and him despite a broken leg.

According to USAToday, "the Edmonton Humane Society named the mother dog Esperanza (Ezzy for short), which stands for hope... No one knows how (Jacob) ended up with the mother and her pups." The duo went through a lot together, and are totally inseparable today.

Amber and Vince Gunderson who have been their foster parents since Jan 5, watched them grow and the mama dog heal and couldn't bear to part with them as time went by. A month ago, they formally adopted Jacob and Ezzy.

Thanks to the Edmonton Humane Society for the wonderful work they do. Full story at USAToday. Jacob and Ezzy found each other and they found love:

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