Orphan Kitten Rescued from Storm Drain

Orphan Kitten Rescued from Storm Drain


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A 2 week old orphan tabby was spotted in a storm drain by a kind lady who ended up moving the 150 lb iron grate by herself in order to free the kitten and get the little one out to safety. "The neighbors thought I was crazy but, alas, here I am bottle feeding the little guy. I am in love," said Kamaba via reddit.

No one knows exactly where the kitten came from. "I asked one of the neighbors if he knew what was up with this cat and apparently it'd been down there for a couple of days. He said they moved the grate and jumped down there but it kept running away. I ended up moving the grate by myself while he watched and was able to reach down and grab kitty instead of jumping in and scaring it."

"I think the adrenaline of 'Oh hell no, you're not dying today, kitty' kicked in and I made it work," she added.

They have a forever home lined up for the kitty and the little tabby will continue to be bottle fed round the clock, loved and spoiled.

2-week-old kitten rescued from a storm drain, now getting his belly filled

Photos by Kamaba via reddit

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