Rescue Cat and Dog Help Each Other Through Thick and Thin

Rescue Cat and Dog Help Each Other Through Thick and Thin


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This is a story of two rescues, a cat and a dog who were brought together and helped each other get better. It's amazing what love can do and how resilient these lovely creatures are.

A ginger tomboy cat (Tom) in Japan nearly escaped death a few weeks ago. He is slowly getting better thanks to his new BFF, Double G the dog, who was rescued by the Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support a few months ago.

"DG has kept vigil at Tom's side all through his ordeal and Tom is slowly starting to show signs of recovery. Maybe the love of his new friend is helping motivate his healing? One thing is for sure - these two are inseparable and will stay by the other's side through thick and thin. Can't ask for much more than that in a friend," said JEARS.

Photo by Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support. Like them on Facebook.

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