Kitten Didn't Know What It Was Like to Be Loved Until Her First Cuddle, 6 Months After Rescue..

Kitten Didn't Know What It Was Like to Be Loved Until Her First Cuddle, 6 Months After Rescue..


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A tiny ginger kitten didn't know what it was like to be loved until she was given her first hug, and she couldn't stop hugging back.

Meet Cashew!


Cashew was abandoned at a pet supply store at 2 1/2 weeks of age.

"(She) was covered in fleas, her fur matted with filth, and had an issue with her right eye," reddit user flashypurplepatches said. "The night I took her home, she wouldn't stop crying unless I held her against my chest. I ended up holding her all night, which is probably why she cuddles this way now."

Since then, Cashew has been the biggest cuddler in the house.


"At 10pm Saturday night, Cashew decided walking was the best thing ever. He was so weak on Friday he could barely lift his little body.

"On Sunday, he was grooming himself, studying everything, moving like a champ, and purring like mad."


They gave Cashew a teddy bear and she started hugging it, too.


Six months after rescue... Now hugs and snuggles are how Cashew shows her love... "Cashew won't sit on my lap. It's the chest or nothing."

"First she must suck earlobes, touch noses, rub faces, grab neck with both paws, and lick nose (my nose). Purr loudly. Repeat."


When she is ready for a nap, she burrows her head into her human's neck for some serious snuggles.


She then proceeds to curl up into a ball and nap in her human's arms in pure bliss.


The leg stretching! :)


What a lovebug! Share this cute story!

Related story: Cat Comes to University Every Day So She Can Rescue Students with Cuddles

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