Russell the Teeny Tabby and Huge Lovebug

Russell the Teeny Tabby and Huge Lovebug


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Russell was born a runt, a much smaller kitty than his siblings. Though very tiny, he never lacks spirit. "All of the others had been adopted but no one wanted Russel. My mom and I couldn't bear to leave him, so we took him home on the same day and Russel has been with us ever since," said Andie Scott.

Russell has become Andie's best friend since the day he stepped into his new home. He tags along with her and never leaves her sight. When Andie is using the computer, he'd fall asleep on the keyboard and occasionally types out his meow literature on the computer. "I feel blessed to have him in my life," said Andie.

Photos courtesy of ©Andie Scott. Little Russell even has his own blog now. Here Russell is giving a big stretch:

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