Stray Cat Comes to Family's Porch and Chooses 4-year-old Boy to Be Her Forever Human

Stray Cat Comes to Family's Porch and Chooses 4-year-old Boy to Be Her Forever Human


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A scrawny little stray came to a family's porch and chose their 4-year-old son to be her human for life.

Meet little Ashby.

Courtesy: Erin Sanderson @thislittlepygmyfarm

"We found her in the morning starving, skinny, covered in fleas, and earmites," Erin Sanderson told Love Meow.

Erin's children spotted the kitty outside the house, and came running to her, begging to keep the cat - "Can she come inside, just for a little bit? She is looking at us through the window, can we go pet her?"

"My brain was so boggled that all I could get out was, 'ok.'," Erin said.

They went to meet the little friendly feline on the porch. "She's a total love bug and seems to know we are going to make her life a lot better... Poor thing was starving and so skinny. She's come to the right place to fatten up."

Little Ashby loves the kids, especially their son, Michael.

Ashby was very skinny and covered in fleas and earmites, but she was so happy for some love and attention.Courtesy: Erin Sanderson @thislittlepygmyfarm

Michael loves all animals and is especially gentle and kind to the new ones. "(Ashby) is a very cautious kitty so I think that she sensed that he is calm and gentle." Ashby has found her favorite person!

Courtesy: Erin Sanderson @thislittlepygmyfarm

"You are my forever human now!"

Courtesy: Erin Sanderson @thislittlepygmyfarm

"My son pretty much stays with her all day. She loves when he brings a shoe string to play with," Erin told Love Meow. "He also insists on feeding her himself every morning and every evening."

Courtesy: Erin Sanderson @thislittlepygmyfarm

Little Ashby found a loving home and a best friend who loves her to bits. She has been guarding him ever since.

Courtesy: Erin Sanderson @thislittlepygmyfarm

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Related story: 'Unwanted' Ginger Cat Becomes Guardian to Boy, His Human for Life!

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