They Gave a Little Runt a Home, She Clings to Them For Life... (Then and Now)

They Gave a Little Runt a Home, She Clings to Them For Life... (Then and Now)


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A tiny tortie kitty who was born premature, found love in her forever home and couldn't stop cuddling.


The sweet little kitty named Gary is a survivor. She was born a preemie, the smallest one in her litter but the only one that made it.

The tiny tortie never gave up fighting for her life, and she survived against all odds!

"We took her in at eight weeks because mama cat had stopped feeding her, and we've spoilt her ever since," Cat told Love Meow.


On the day Gary moved into her new home, she curled up in her human's arms for a nap and hasn't stopped cuddling since.

She may be tiny but she has some serious torttitude!


The tortie gal believes that there's no such thing as privacy and keeps her humans company at all times.

This is her favorite bed.


When her human dad naps, she guards!


Three months later, they found her a feline friend, Artemis, and right away, Gary offered the new kitty cuddles and showered her with love.

They became instant buddies.


They are always cuddling with each other like two peas in a pod.

Gary loves her sister from another mother.


Every time her human tries to read...


The first thing they wake up to in the morning...


Gary is almost two years old now.

"She was premature and hasn't grown very big but her heart is the fullest."


How she tells her human "I love you."

Share this story with your friends. Follow Gary and Artemis on Instagram.

Related story: Tiniest Kitten Rescued by Big Guy They Never Expected, Now 2 Years Later

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