Tiny Rescue Kitten Finds Big Kitty Friends

Tiny Rescue Kitten Finds Big Kitty Friends


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This is such a sweet story. A tiny orphan kitten was adopted by two big kitties when he came to his new home.

"This little guy is Milkshake. I rescued him a few short days ago after realizing that his mom had abandoned him. I didn't think he was going to make it much longer but after a lot of bottle feeding, a nice heated bed and being immediately welcomed by my other (much older) cats, he is now one very happy kitten," said Ashley B via Instagram.

Meet Milkshake, little rescue kitten. They didn't know if he would make it, but with a lot of love, he pulled through and started to thrive.

As soon as Milkshake came to his new home, the big kitties in the house took to him and started snuggling with him.

They became his family...

and are very protective of him.


Inseparable friends.

Photos by Ashley B via  Instagram

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