Vidalia the Sweet Rescue that Touches Hearts

Vidalia the Sweet Rescue that Touches Hearts


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Written by ©Jean (flickr: wee3beasties).

Vidalia is a fabulous girl. When I first laid eyes on her, I didn't know she was a "her." There was a slight tabby and white feline that occasionally ran across the highway in front of me. Needless to say, I said a prayer for her every time I saw her. . . I asked God to watch over for her, provide for her, protect her, and keep her safe and free from suffering. Little did I know that I would be an answer to my own prayer. . .

I had been feeding a truly handsome feral cat on my back deck that I named Winston. Winston had a broken leg, and I wanted to catch him and get him into the vet. However, he was too intelligent to be trapped. I finally purchased a coyote trap hoping he'd be willing to go into it. Instead of Winston, I captured the stunningly beautiful obviously female adolescent kitten I had been holding up in prayer intermittently. How did I know she was female? This thin, young feline had an incredibly pregnant belly that practically dragged on the ground when she walked. . .

Friends knew I had trapped a pregnant cat and pressed for a name. One telephone conversation turned to the same: what's her name? I told my friend that I hadn't named her, but if I were to choose a name it would have to be something like Vidalia--a sweet onion--because this sweet little thing would likely one day make me cry. . . I did not cherish the thought of giving this beauty away some day.

Vidalia won my heart instantly, but it took one whole day for her to adjust to my presence. . . merely one day. Amazing girl. I already had six cats in the house, and I was nervouse about introducing her to my husband. Thankfully, Vidalia worked her charm. When my husband reluctantly agreed to meet her, he went into the room and laid down on the ground. This young beauty promptly strutted over to him (with as much strut as her bulging belly allowed), rubbed against his chest, plopped down, leaned against him, and looked up into his face purring madly. . . how could he resist?

Vidalia has a relentless optimism that is refreshing to see. Vidalia loves everyone, human, canine, or feline, young or old. . . She believes the best in everyone and refuses to give up on anything. We could all learn a thing or two about how to live life from this gorgeous girl!

Vidalia's babies: Kiwi, Zamboni, Gizmo, and Guinness.

Photos courtesy of ©Jean (flickr: wee3beasties).

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