With Love Radar the Kitten Survived Against all Odds

With Love Radar the Kitten Survived Against all Odds


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Written by ©Shane Addinall (flickr: Slochlin).

My wife, Norah, and I love animals but living in an apartment and both working meant we were a little skeptical about having pets.

Norah has always loved cats, and to be honest I have always been a dog person, then one day this lady from the house next door to our church comes in carrying this tiny bundle of bones barely held together by skin and fur, its eyes gummed shut and fleas milling all over it. Right then and there I lost my heart to that little thing.

I decided to take her in and at the same time bless my wife with her hearts desire, a little "furbaby".

I was on my way to Sweden for a business trip so I arranged for this little kitten to be given to my wife once I had boarded the flight. I knew this would distract her from my being away and give her time to focus 100% on getting this little darling healthy. The vet gave her less than a 50% survival chance due to malnutrition, but as you can see she's defied all odds and is now healthy, happy and rapidly putting on weight.

She is an absolute darling but I will say this "hands are war"! As soon as she sees you move your hands or scratch your leg it's hunting time and your hands will be stalked and pounced mercilessly.

It's so cute when Norah and I come home, she meows softly till we pick her up and then purrs like only a kitten can, as Norah says "with no decorum".

Heaven forbid we split up, say one downstairs in the bedroom and one upstairs in the kitchen, she will run back and forth between us not meowing but chirping (ala baby cheetahs) till we're in the same room then she'll relax (and once again break out in unrestrained purring)... guess she just likes to have her humans in the same room.

Oh and we named her Radar (due to her enormous ears) Faith (because we had it and here she is).

Photos courtesy of ©Shane Addinall (flickr: Slochlin).

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