Woman Brings Kittens Back From the Brink and Raises Them into Gorgeous Ginger Siblings.

Woman Brings Kittens Back From the Brink and Raises Them into Gorgeous Ginger Siblings.


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Two ginger siblings were rescued when they were just newborn kittens. After 11 weeks and using up two of their nine lives, the tiny squirmy fur babies have really blossomed.

Meet Pumpkin and Spice!


Two and a half months ago, two neonatal kittens came to their foster home in desperate need of help. "They were found cold, struggling to make it, even with constant heat," Wendy (@foster_furbabies), foster mom, shared with Love Meow.

She began the round-the-clock feeding, every two hours, while keeping them warm 24/7. They were orphaned at birth and were extremely vulnerable.

At times, they were so weak that no one was sure if they would last long. "I don't know if they have a few hours, a day, or many more years left… what I do know is, however long they are in our care, they will be warm and toasty, never hungry, and always loved."


After countless sleepless nights, several trips to the ER and many scares of losing the kittens, Pumpkin and Spice finally came around.

Their eyes opened and they began to explore!


"They are the reason I sat for hours on the floor in a steamy room (think sauna, with a bit less humidity), treating raw bottoms, feeding them and hauling the morning's huge pile of soiled blankets and wet towels to the laundry. And that's okay."

Seeing the kittens get better each day is so rewarding that it makes everything worth it.






Stretching those little toesies while snuggling inside foster mom's warm jacket.


The two siblings are completely inseparable.

Every time they nap, they cuddle up to each other.


Spice is the mischievous one and Pumpkin is very laid back.

They both enjoy sitting in the lap and chillin' with their human.


Cuddles and more cuddles.



"10 weeks ago I took a video (of them) knowing it might be their last, since Pumpkin was fading. I was cherishing the moments with them. 10 weeks later, they do something that amazes me, daily."

Not only did the two kitties survive, but also they blossomed!


They have grown by leaps and bounds.

The two teeny babies have grown into playful, healthy, rambunctious kitties!


Pumpkin and Spice just went to their forever home for the holidays. They are purring with their family, enjoying this Christmas together.

"I love being able to 'raise and release', as hard as it is sometimes. It's worth it. It's been such an incredible journey with these two. Thankful to have been a part of their beginnings," Wendy said.


When they were tiny babies...

Look at them meow! :)

Share this story with your friends. Follow their foster babies on Facebook and Instagram. Follow Pumpkin and Spice on Instagram

Related story: Fierce Feral Cat Meets Foster Kittens and Something Remarkable Happens

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