Woman Saves “Seal” Cat that No One Wanted and The Kitty Returns The Favor

Woman Saves “Seal” Cat that No One Wanted and The Kitty Returns The Favor


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A young woman gave an earless cat a forever home after many people had passed him by. It changed her life forever.

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

Molly Lichtenwalner was doing her graduate studies when she decided that it was time for her to adopt an animal to help her cope with anxiety.

Cats had always been part of her life growing up on a farm. After a car accident, she began to suffer from severe anxiety.

"I decided it was time for me to adopt an animal to help with my anxiety, because nothing helped me more than snuggling some furry friends," Molly told Love Meow.

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

She knew from the start that she wanted to get an adult cat with special needs. "They are the ones that are so much harder to get adopted."

Molly went online and came cross a 9 and a half year-old cat who caught her attention immediately with his seal-like resemblance. "When Otitis popped up, I knew he was the one."

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

The kitty doesn't have ears and looks like a seal with his perfectly round head. Otitis lost his ears due to massive cysts that his previous owner couldn't afford to treat. Feline Rescue Association of Baltimore took him in. Though they couldn't save his ears, they saved his life.

Molly reached out to the rescue to inquire about the earless kitty. She was told that Otitis was deaf, but that didn't matter to her.

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

"I was the first person to ever submit an application for him," she said.

The day after Molly brought Otitis home, he surprised her with his endless affection and cuddles. As soon as he came out of his shell, he snuggled up to Molly, rubbing his face against hers, and couldn't stop the love.

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

From that day on, Otitis became his mom's little supervisor. He would follow her around the house and watch her every move.

Despite being deaf, Otitis is full of energy and mischief. His age doesn't define him as he acts like a kitten all the time.

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

Waiting for his human mom every night in the bathroom before bed time.

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

Otitis inspects the tub and shower before his human uses it.

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

He wants to know what his mom is doing at all times.

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

Helping human mom with her studies, supervising the progress.

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

"He is my Emotional Support Animal and always snuggles me at night and when I'm very stressed or having a panic attack," Molly told Love Meow.

King Otitis in his little castle :).

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

"He is the only thing that can calm me down at times. He's the best thing that ever happened to me, and he definitely rescued me, I didn't rescue him."

Otitis turns 10 this year. He's loving his life to the fullest and watching over his human mom every day.

Molly Lichtenwalner @adventuresofotitis

The little supervisor!

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Related story: This Company Pays Their Employees for Every Cat They Rescue

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