Woman Stops to Help Mysterious Animal, Discovers It's a Severely Matted Cat

Woman Stops to Help Mysterious Animal, Discovers It's a Severely Matted Cat


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A kind woman found a strange looking animal standing and barely moving in the road. She got out of her car to help, then realized it was a cat.

Courtesy: Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation

Last Friday night, a mysterious animal was spotted barely able to move on Red Creek Circle in Hampton Bays, New York.

A good Samaritan found it standing still in the road. Upon closer inspection she realized it was a cat, however it hardly resembled one at all.

The kind lady brought the stray cat to Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF), and their medical team stayed late that night to make sure the kitty was going to be OK.

Courtesy: Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation

"She had pounds of added hair. It was the worst matted cat I have ever seen in my 7 years with the shelter," Linda Goldsmith who runs the Advo-Cat program at SASF, said in a press release sent to Love Meow. "The matts were so bad, she was unable to walk or hardly move."

The cat was starving and infested with fleas, ticks, and ear mites. She was extremely dehydrated but was so thankful to finally get help.

Courtesy: Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation

After hours of shaving and grooming, a beautiful cat was revealed underneath the matted coat.

With IV fluids, a good meal and a lot of TLC from everyone at the medical team, the kitty came through as a new cat. You could see the happiness in her eyes.

Courtesy: Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation

"We were finally able to see the kitty underneath the matts. We named our beautiful survivor, Scarlett."

Courtesy: Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation

Scarlett is 15 years old, recovering from her tough life.

No one knows how long she was out fending for herself but this brave old gal is now thriving under SASF's care and is hopeful again.

Now what she needs is a forever loving home that she so deserves, a quiet place for a sweet kitty like her.

Courtesy: Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation

"We are so happy we found Scarlett in time and thank you to the good samaritain who brought her to us.

"She is healing well and is ready for a loving family to adopt her." Kate McEntee, Director of Public Relations and Marketing, told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation

What a second chance can do! Share this story with your friends.

If you are interested in adopting Scarlett, you can visit SASF's website or follow them on Facebook.

Related story: They Bring Happiness Back to 8 Year Old Shelter Cat who Just Wanted to be Loved

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