Your Featured Cat Stories

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From Lori B.:

I had a double mastectomy in Jan. of this year.  Chemo has been following ever since.  I am scheduled treatments for a year.  I work for the Humane Society of the Palm Beaches.  I am a cat care Kennel Tech and Adoption Counselor.  One of my first thoughts when diagnosed was who will take care of all those kitties? There are approx. 152 up for adoption at any given time. I have been back to work for 6 months now, part time.  And, through my worst days, I have got up and gone to work.  There is nothing more fulfilling to get them homes, take care of them and have the love returned by them every day. You cat owners know how funny they can be and they make me laugh. They have given me so much to get up for.   I am lucky that I have been healthy since the operation and pray for many years with my cats.

From Wendy M.:

I was watching TV and the movie that played that evening was Ladder 49. One part that really got me crying was the fact the fire fighters couldn't get one of their own out, he knew it was impossible because of the devastating out of control fire that surrounded him. So I cried, that's when my cat Tippy climbed up onto my bed, laid down beside me and put his paw onto my left hand to console me and my emotions just over came me. Tippy is a mainecoon tabby. He maybe 16 yrs old now, but don't let that fool you. He still has alot of kitten years left in him My boy is very compassionate, he is also my Mother's grand-kitty to which he visits her at her place of residence (nursing home). Tippy has earned the nickname: Boo Boo Bear, because that night often reminds us that I would rather have a cat than a dog . At least they aren't jumping in your face, you don't have to let them out to pee and they own you, you don't own them!

"Watch me play, run and jump as I chase a butterfly, it's moments like this in memory we all miss, our sweet little kitty good bye.

I can't imagine you not being here, but the memory I hold so dear . . .the pictures tell a story of who you were back then and the memory remains so clear.

So for now I will sit and ponder, about those days beyond yonder, can't imagine what it will be, if only you were here with me.

So for now I will reminisce about the days of old, and the heavenly bliss, when you used to wake me up, with your sweet serene eyes and your wet nose for a kiss."

From Jason:

The first night, after I had moved to my first apartment, I had mixed emotions. On one hand I was happy, because I finally moved out of my parents' home. My dad kept telling me, that it was time to live on my own. Moreover, I moved 400km away from them in a different country. During the day I was busy with many different things. Friends came to help me and it was fun. But later, as I was lying on my mattress alone surrounded by still unpacked boxes and bags, I suddenly felt lonely. I realized I no longer had the luxury to just go upstairs and speak to my parents like I used to. Did I make a mistake to move out? I wanted to talk to them, but I did not have a phone or Internet connection. Men don't cry? Maybe, but I did. My three cats were still exploring the new home at the time, but as soon as they heard me cry, all of them came to join me. They sat right by me the whole night. It helped because I knew they would always be there to keep me company, and I would be there for them too. I will never be alone any more as long as I have my cats.

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